Program Activities

2023.07.26 Salon

26th WINGS-PES Salon was held.

Report by
Taichi Yamamoto 1), Kohei Mikami 2), Shun Muramatsu 3)

1) Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences.
2) Department of Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences.
3) Department of Precision Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering.

Date: July 26, 2023 10:30~12:00
Venue: FS Hall on the 1st floor of the Environment Building, Kashiwa Campus

Thinking about Your Life as a Researcher

The 26th Salon of Excellence, titled “Thinking about Your Life as a Researcher,” featured a hybrid format of face-to-face lectures by WINGS-PES professors with a zoom streaming. First, the WINGSPES program coordinators gave talks on their own lives as researchers, followed by face-to-face roundtable discussions. The Salon of Excellence was characterized by the following three points:
1). A hybrid format of in-person and online sessions. 2). Focused on the life of a researcher rather than on specific research topics. 3). In the form of a lecture session in which the professor spoke freely.

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